Your Vote, Your Tote!
A tote bag created by the Double Stitch Community

Our first poll asked the community to weigh in on the size of the bag and, while it was a close call, the majority favored a larger, more traditional 16.5 x 15” bag size for added utility.

Next, we asked for direction in terms of color. Should we go with a dark/bold shade for the bag? Something neutral? A pastel, perhaps?
The votes were evenly split, with each color option having a good number of fans but, in the end, the majority was slightly in favor of a light, neutral color.

Then, we offered a shoulder strap option in addition to the traditional double handles. The strap would clip to each side of the bag, allowing for hands-free carrying.
Once the votes were tallied the results weren’t even close—an overwhelming majority voted in favor of an additional strap.

Finally, we asked for input on the logo style and placement. Of the five options available, the community voted for a small label bearing the Double Stitch name, centered at the top of the tote, between the handles.
And, just like that…in a moment of synergistic perfection…the Double Stitch Tote Bag was born.
Our first poll asked the community to weigh in on the size of the bag and, while it was a close call, the majority favored a larger, more traditional 16.5 x 15” bag size for added utility.
Next, we asked for direction in terms of color. Should we go with a dark/bold shade for the bag? Something neutral? A pastel, perhaps?
The votes were evenly split, with each color option having a good number of fans but, in the end, the majority was slightly in favor of a light, neutral color.
Then, we offered a shoulder strap option in addition to the traditional double handles. The strap would clip to each side of the bag, allowing for hands-free carrying.
Once the votes were tallied the results weren’t even close—an overwhelming majority voted in favor of an additional strap.
Finally, we asked for input on the logo style and placement. Of the five options available, the community voted for a small label bearing the Double Stitch name, centered at the top of the tote, between the handles.
And, just like that…in a moment of synergistic perfection…the Double Stitch Tote Bag was born.

This community-crafted tote is the perfect representation of what we can do when we work together.
At Double Stitch, we simply could not do what we love without each and every one of you.
This is just the beginning, though. Be sure to follow us on social media and join the conversation!
More collaborations are around the corner.

This community-crafted tote is the perfect representation of what we can do when we work together.
At Double Stitch, we simply could not do what we love without each and every one of you.
This is just the beginning, though. Be sure to follow us on social media and join the conversation!
More collaborations are around the corner.

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Double Stitch Tote Bag
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